Tuesday, 15 June 2010

E3: Nintendo announces 3DS, games

Nintendo just unleashed the beast: 3DS!

Satoru Iwata took to the stage, holding the new unit aloft dramatically. It has a 3.5 inch widescreen display, and will be full 3D without the need for the glasses, a point reiterated constantly.

The 3DS features a 3D depth slider, that can minimise or maximise the 3D experience the top screen offers (the bottom screen is still touch-sensitive). As expected, the unit boasts improved graphics, and also has a 'slide pad', essentially an analog stick.

As if that wasn't impressive enough, the 3DS has two cameras, allowing you to take photos and view them in 3D. This functionality extends beyond static images however, as Iwata was proud to announce that 3DS is capable of showing 3D ready Hollywood movies from Disney, Warner Brothers and Dreamworks, referencing the movies How to Train Your Dragon and Tangled, which he stated was the first time such content could be shown without glasses.

Iwata then mentioned the following list of games and franchises in development for the console:

-Project Sora, which encompasses Kid Icarus Uprising

-3D Nintendogs + Cats

-DJ Hero

-Kingdom hearts

-Saints Row


-Resident Evil title

-Assassins creed

-Ridge Racer

-Metal Gear Solid

-Golden Sun

More news to come about the 3DS in the next few days.

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